Timbo Masterplan

Immersed in a landscape of hills, horizons of plains and riverside mountains, the experience of the natural environment has driven the dream of an exemplary local production project that shapes a new contemporary rurality, based on the participation of the productive environment of sustainable habitability and art as an axis of transversal coherence. The privileged … Read more


The proposed development contains a clear project exploitation opportunity thanks to its landscape quality that involves a diverse and powerful landscape framework. We understand that within the framework of a growing demand for cultural and sustainable tourism proposals, we are facing an interesting territory capable of standing out. The existing thematic interests allow us to … Read more


The venture is located at the entry point to the Montevideo Metropolitan area from the western sector of the country. It is traversed by one of the corridors that articulate the growth of the urban sprawl, but it presents certain distinctive characteristics from the rest of the expansion areas.


A living and dynamic laboratory, which operates as an open system and sensitive to programmed stimuli through external and spontaneous insights that will arise from one’s approach to the territory.